10th June 2020 By Edward Middle Sense People and Family


I went to  the BANK  yesterday, &  as I was about entering the hall, a man ran ahead of me and pushed me away so he could quickly join the long queue. 

I did not say anything, he thought I will queue up behind him but I was actually not there to withdraw, I went to deposit.

So I walked to the deposit teller,  and there was no single person in the queue.

When I finished depositing, I was about leaving the hall, when this man came from the queue and apologized to me for pushing me away from the line.

He said: “I am  sorry for pushing you away,  I thought you were coming to the queue to withdraw”

I smiled and told him not to bother & that it's not a big deal!!! 



Who are you 'pushing' away and trying to outrun in the race of destiny, relationship, business, ministry, career, marriage, political position or appointment?

How many People have you pushed aside, pushed away or pushed down in this platform or this life?

Are you among those that destroy people through pushing?

By slandering them, hindering their progress, blocking their promotion, lying, backstabbing, condemning them before their helpers, all in a bid to 'get there' before them.

I challenge you today to take it easy because you might not be going to the same destination.

Unknown to you, the paths may look alike but your destinations are different.

It might surprise you later that, with all the “pushing away” they may still leave you in the 'queue' of destiny and go ahead of you.

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