When God Send's A Man Forth ,The Very First Thing He Gives Him is The "WORD" Not the "WORLD "( Platform) . The Man Must Pass Through The Channels Of Training before Reining, Learning before £arning, Serving before Leading, And Has to be Well Developed before £nvelope .

Carrier's Of Title Men That Are Conscious Of £nvelope than to Develope , Men Of Fashion Without Passion , Prophet's Who Are Very Strong in ''One On one. God Can Never Send You Out to the WORLD Without the WORD ( Message)... Any M£SS£NG£R Without A Message is A M£R£_SING£R.

Sir , You Can Never be Famous/Popular Than The Message You Preach No Matter How Hard You Struggle , £ven No Matter the Smartness/Schemes You implement Just to Pull Crowd.

But Let Me Ask You :

Must You Prophecy? Must You Call fake Names & Phone Numbers? Must You Pre Arrange Miracles/Testimonies? Must You Seek For Power From The Devil Just to Pull Crowd? 

All This Misplaced Priorities And Desperation in Ministry is because The Place Of The "5 Fold Ministry" Has been Abused. £verybody Want's to be A Prophet , No One Wanna Be A Teacher/£vangelist Anymore. Because They Believe That being A Prophet Gives Them Direct Access to Popularity And Prosperity....Chaiii, God Have Mercy !..We Are Gradually Turning Jesus to Our Messenger And Ourselves the Message. 

Were Are the Day's Of the WORD ? Were Are Those Day's That The Word Grew So Mightily and Prevailed in The intire  City (Act 19:20)? Were are those Day's That The :

Voodoos Submitted ,

Assassins Surrendered ,

Sorcerers & Necromancer's Gave Up ,

Hallots/Prostitutes Cried For Repentance,

Native Doctor's And Occultic Men Surrendered ,

Witches And Wizards Surrendered,

Member's Were Shouting Lord Have Mercy, And Not ''RID£ ON PROPH£T".

Congregation Were Heaven Conscious Not Happy Sinners.... WHY?... 'Because The WORD Prevailed in the City ,And Not That Name's Were Called Through Prophecy'.  Again i Ask , Were Are Those Day's Of The WORD?

The Day's That Preachers Were Not Looking for Platform to Prophesy.

The Days That Preachers Were Not Looking for Platform to Flaunt their £go's & Lies.

The Days that Preachers Were Not Looking for Platform to Rube the People in Disguise.

The Days That Preachers Were Not Looking for Platform to Sleep with People's Wife's And Female Members .

The Days that Preachers Were Not Looking for Platform to Corner The Members Of their Host.

The Days That Preacher's Were Not Looking For Platform to Raise Fund's .

The Days That Preacher's Were Not Looking for Platform to Show Off. 

The Days That Preachers Were Not Looking for Platform to Predict Who Wins the Next £lections, but Cannot Predict CORONA Or The CUR£.

But The Days That Preachers Were burning With Genuine Passion For Soul Winning Through The WORD. WH£R£ AR£ THOS£ DAYS Of THE WORD ?

Sir , God Can Never be Mocked. You May Perform Your Magic And Acrobatics, You May Appear to be Real in Our £yez , But Hear Me ,"You Can Neva Outsmart God". Please if God Called You, Don't Sell Out Your Messag For 30 Pieces Of Silver. Faithful is The Caller, He Will Never Live Nor Forsake You. Just Remain Steadfast, Don't Join The Trending Gang's. bcuz Anything That Trend's £nd's .

Can i Ask You Man Of God ," Do You Know The Jesus You Preach? Is Heaven Aware Of You? Are You Yourself A Candidate Of That Heaven You Preach? I Guess Time will Tell . Remember That A Day Cometh, When All Works Shall be Weighed. So Let He That Nameth The Name Of the Lord depart From Iniquity ! GOD is Giving Us A Second Chance, May We Never Disappointe Him Again. All These Thing's We're Chasing Today Are All VANITY. Who Would've Believed That A Day Will Come When Churches Will be Lucked Down, and the Same Members You're Fighting to Keep Will Sit At Home? And i Say To You THINK TWIC£.

Apst SAMU£L £B£N£Z£R is My Name,

And i Just Wanna Make A Common Sense !..

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