21 Lessons from 2020 that can help refine your 2021.

21 Lessons from 2020 that can help refine your 2021.

1. Every decade comes with a new and different crisis. Usually nation-wide or global, as we have seen this 2020. Just as it was in 2010, you may want to watch out for 2030. 

2. These crises catch many unaware. Hardly does anyone come prepared.

3. Survivals are in three categories: The fearful, the onlookers, and the explorers. I will explain these in the next three lessons.

4. The initial hit of the pandemic came with so much fear. Panic crumbled a lot of persons, businesses, and organizations, perhaps even more than the virus.

5. The onlookers were not necessarily fearful, neither did they take bold steps. And you know, when you are not making progress, there is retrogression or worse a decay. Only change is constant.

6. The explorers are those who quickly reevaluated things, created new strategies, updating their business models to profit from the global change. Zoom, Amazon are good examples.

7. Work, school, business, churches, and even relationships moved online. By 2021, this will be the utmost criteria. Anyone who cannot wisely and successfully handle working online may be in trouble.

21 Lessons from 2020 that can help refine your 2021. BeInspired Show

8. The media became ever more powerful, shaping world view and perception – Digital and social media especially. You must learn how to manage these maximally.

9. The #blacklivesmatter movement, the #Endsars movement, politics/elections, and even the pandemic were stirred and spread from the digital and social media.

10. Digital advertising became more aggressive but undoubtedly yielded better results.

11. Promoting clinch and hashtags online to generate emotional reactions from people works like magic. #Icantbreathe #Staysafe #Sarsmustend #Edonobelagos

12. By 2021, Research-based, detailed information will be highly valued. Fake news will be rampant, but less tolerated.

13. Depending on external motivation and affirmation could be catastrophic. Be your first inspiration and let it come from within you.

14. High performers, hard workers, and the “never give up mindset”, no matter what always succeeds.

15. Good communication skills, emotional intelligence will be all the more needed for work and business by 2021.

21 Lessons from 2020 that can help refine your 2021. BeInspired Show

16. Expanding your network into bigger circles became easier. I met and interacted with the most outstanding persons I have known this 2020.

17. Be someone of value. Value always attract value.

18. While we mourn about the many lives and heroes we lost this 2020, looking at Ibidunni the beauty queenChadwick Boseman of black panther, and Apostle Eunice Gordon Osagiede, Jesus Evangelist to nations, one thing stands out, now that you are still on the earth, make sure you make positive impact.

19. Making an impact is not rocket science. Discover and refine your talents. Love God and be passionate about people.

20. You don’t always have to do something new to make a difference. Innovation is key.

Perhaps this last one is my biggest lesson so far:

21. Today by tomorrow becomes yesterday. Do not live in the past hoping for the future. All we truly have is TODAY.

I am sure you have learnt. What are your biggest lessons of the year?

How are you preparing for 2021?

What are you doing today?

Mercy Omoregie