How to think quickly as an entrepreneur.

How to think quickly as an entrepreneur.

A leader has the right to be beaten, but never the right to be surprised. —Napoleon Bonaparte

Learn to Think on Your Feet

I’ve already spoken about complacency and how it can ruin your chances for success. It’s the same as being in a rut and deciding to stay there. That’s why I like to advise people to live on the edge — it’s the opposite of complacency, and the same as thinking on your feet. 

Ever notice how your senses are heightened when you are in challenging situations? It’s like having an adrenalin rush that gives you extra energy. If you see every day as a challenge, you’d be surprised how efficient you can become and how much can be accomplished. People often say they “hit the street running,” which is another way of saying they did their prep work and were ready.

One of the most obvious lessons on The Apprentice is for the candidates to learn to think quickly. They are under a time constraint to finish their assignments, and as we’ve noticed, it’s important that they have a Plan B in line. If Plan A doesn’t work, they’re prepared for it and they won’t lose much time. They are learning to think ahead, to be prepared, and to cover their bases.

How to think quickly as an entrepreneur. BeInspired Show

These are basic ingredients for success in business. When I started out in business, I spent a great deal of time researching every detail that might be pertinent to the deal I was interested in making, and I still do the same today. People often comment non how quickly I operate, which is true. But the reason I can move quickly is that I’ve done the background work first, which often no one sees. Just because you don’t see someone working doesn’t mean they haven’t been working in their spare or private time. 

I prepare myself thoroughly, and then when it is time to move ahead, I am ready to sprint. Being able to think on your feet is the result of training and discipline. You can’t sprint unless you have built up the strength to do so.

Building the stamina is up to you. If you don’t work at it, it’s not going to happen by wishful thinking. You have to dedicate yourself to it every day. In other words, set a goal and work toward it. Athletes know that no one else can do the training for them, and business people should have the same discipline. You have to be self-reliant.

Have you ever said to yourself, “I wish I’d thought of that!”?

How to think quickly as an entrepreneur. BeInspired Show

I’ve heard people say that when they come across something very clever or something fantastic. One way to learn to think on your feet is to ask yourself what you should be thinking of this very moment. Do it right now, and then see other people saying, “I wish I’d thought of that — what a great idea!” You’d be surprised how many good ideas you might have if you’d give yourself the opportunity to think about them. Thinking takes time. It’s the preparation for being able to think on your feet. First things first: First we walk, then we run, then we sprint.


That is not only an encouraging statement, it is also an empowering one. It means you can accomplish a lot by applying your brainpower and then moving forward with it. Thought without action won’t amount to much in the long run. Those great ideas you have will remain great ideas unless you actively do something with them.

Don’t wait for dire circumstances to test your quick-thinking ability. Test yourself daily. Be on alert at all times. As Napoleon said,“A leader has the right to be beaten, but never the right to be surprised.” See yourself as a leader—starting right now.

How to think quickly as an entrepreneur. BeInspired Show

This will mean you are self-reliant, responsible, and not apt to being unnecessarily surprised by the vicissitudes of life, whether you are in business or not. Being prepared cannot be overestimated, and if you want to hit the big time running, you’d better be able to think on those feet of yours.

Excerpt from Donald Trump “Think Like A Champion”.

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