There is this passionate kenkey seller on my junction

There is this passionate kenkey seller on my junction. She’s one hell of a beauty, and she seems to be all about breaking boundaries and redefining what is, and is not possible. Throughout my conversations with her, she’s been nothing but intelligent and smart. Very vocal and open-minded. And respectful too. 

I think she liked me, and I liked her that much. She has such great personality, and would always be welcoming me to her base whenever I went to buy kenkey from her. She would smile her loudest smile; most times, would be the one serving me. She has about six employees. They all would be super excited whenever I went to buy from them (because they had also realized that, their Madam was kinda fond of me) Her kenkey boutique is slightly expensive but the TASTE is krabehweh. 

I realized how much I also appreciated her person, that, I sent her chocolate to share with her employees some months ago. So, one day, Elsie needed to buy an electrical stuff for her home and needed me to accompany her to get it. There is this electrical appliance store next to the kenkey boutique which we went to get the stuff. My friend saw me with Elsie, and all of a sudden, her face and mood changed. 

I hadn’t gone to buy kenkey in a while so I thought of her and went to buy some yesterday to eat. She did not welcome me. She did not smile at/with me. She did not say her usual, “Ei, we miss you so much. Where have you been?” She did not greet me. She did not respond to my greeting. 

Ladies, I need help! How do I win her friendship back? Do I explain Elsie is just my best friend and business partner? Not that I want to date her or anything, I just want to be in touch with her cool friendship and jovial self. And maybe, someday, try to hook her up with a good guy – if she’s single and searching. How do I go about this please? I really like her friendship. A part of me wants me to believe that she probably wasn't in her element, or might have had a bad day yesterday. I don't know. I might be over thinking things. 

I will go and buy kenkey today too. Do I mind my business and just buy or I should start a conversation of a sort to be sure we are still friends?

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